Can you bow hunt during shotgun season in illinois

Illinois is one of the many states that allows bow hunting during shotgun season. If you’re interested in trying this unique hunting method, be sure to check the guidelines closely first – because there are some restrictions you’ll need to follow.

If you’re looking to bow hunt during shotgun season in Illinois, you’ll need to follow a few specific regulations. In this article, we’ll outline everything you need to know in order to bow hunt during shotgun season in Illinois.

What is shotgun season?

Shotgun season is the time of year when you can legally hunt with a shotgun. In Illinois, shotgun season runs from the first Saturday in October through the first Saturday in January.

The best time to hunt with a shotgun is during the early morning or late evening hours, when the game is most active. If you’re looking for a hunting opportunity that doesn’t require much preparation, consider bow hunting instead.

Shotgun hunting is a hunting season that uses shotguns. Shotgun hunting is allowed during the regular Illinois deer hunting seasons, which are Jan. 1-Dec. 31. The season for shotgun deer hunting is Sept. 1-Oct. 31.
What are the requirements for shotgun deer hunting in Illinois?
In Illinois, you must be at least 18 years old and have a valid Hunting license to hunt with a shotgun. You also must possess a valid firearm safety certificate and hunter safety certification if you are using a bow or crossbow to hunt deer.
When can I start hunting?
The earliest date that you can legally hunt in Illinois with a shotgun is Oct. 1. However, the majority of hunters prefer to hunt later in the season when the weather is cooler and the deer are more active. The latest date that you can legally hunt with a shotgun in Illinois is Dec. 31.

Can you bow hunt during shotgun season in Illinois?

If you’re an Illinois bowhunter, you may want to think twice before taking to the field during shotgun season. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) recently announced that bowhunting during the shotgun season is not allowed. This change follows a review of the state’s hunting regulations after the November 24, 2017 deer-bow hunting incident in Geneseo County.

The incident, in which a hunter reportedly shot and killed a female deer while using a crossbow during gun season, has raised concerns about the safety of both novice and experienced hunters when using firearms. IDNR officials say that they conducted a review of Illinois hunting regulations in response to this incident, and they determined that bowhunting during shotgun season is not safe.

This news comes as a surprise to some bowhunters in Illinois, who had hoped that the situation would lead to more leniency on the part of IDNR in regards to firearm use during hunting seasons. In any case, bowhunters in Illinois should now be prepared to hunt with rifles throughout the state’s open seasons.

Regulations for bow hunting during shotgun season in Illinois

In Illinois, bow hunting during shotgun season is allowed with a permit. You must be at least 18 years old to apply for a permit, and you must be physically able to carry and use a bow safely. You must also follow the same regulations as for shotgun hunting, including a minimum range of 20 yards from any person, animal, or structure.

Illinois has a shotgun season that runs from early November to the end of April. During this time, you can bow hunt with a permit. The regulations for bow hunting during shotgun season in Illinois are as follows:

-You must have a valid license to hunt with a rifle or shotgun.

-You must be at least 18 years old to take a bow hunter permit.

-You must have proof of your hunting eligibility, such as your hunting license or an identification card from your state.

-You must possess a bowhunting weapon, such as a bow and arrow, and have the appropriate permits for that weapon.

-You must comply with all other applicable state and federal regulations.

Tips for taking game with a bow during shotgun season in Illinois

One of the most popular methods for hunting big game animals is with a bow. However, this doesn’t mean that you can just go out and start taking deer and other large game animals with your bow anytime that shotgun season rolls around in Illinois. There are some things that you need to know in order to be successful when hunting with a bow during shotgun season.

First and foremost, make sure that you are following all of the shooting regulations for shotgun season in Illinois. These regulations vary depending on the location you are hunting, but generally speaking, you must wear appropriate safety gear (including armor) and follow all range safety guidelines. Make sure that your arrows are properly marked and that you have a proper license to hunt with a bow. Finally, always remember to take plenty of rest and water while hunting with a bow during shotgun season. A full day of hunting can really take it out of you!

If you are planning on taking game with a bow during shotgun season in Illinois, be sure to check out our blog for more tips and advice. In the meantime, be safe out there and have fun!


Yes, you can bow hunt during shotgun season in Illinois. There are a few things to keep in mind, though, so be sure to read the following before heading out into the woods this fall:
– Make sure you have a valid hunting license and comply with all state regulations governing firearms and hunting.
– Always use caution when field testing your new equipment; make sure conditions are safe before taking any shots.
– Bowhunting is an enjoyable activity that should be done responsibly, so take care while in the field and remember to always wear a helmet and eye protection!

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